The beneficiary
Babirye Valeria, a single young mother only because of a combination of teen misguidance by her peers and lack of clear knowledge about her body changes; from Iwemba Sub – County Bugiri District born to Mr. Wanume Samuel a primary teacher and Mrs. Namuyomba Joyce a house wife.
At the time SYDF was identifying the most vulnerable potential beneficiary in Iwemba Sub – County with the help of the parish administrator, Babirye had dropped out of school after her first semester of a grade three teachers’ training due to unpaid school fees and luck of any hope for it to be cleared later on pay for the completion of the two years’ course. SYDF found her the most vulnerable potential beneficiary out of a pool of five potential beneficiaries thus taking her on. She was much later assessed by the evaluation committee which also found her the most vulnerable out of the pool hence qualifying her for the support.
Babirye is a young girl who had lost hope and given up life but now a very jolly and full of life with grate focus on her future to serve her community after her own very life has been transformed. Thank to Stay Foundation Germany, Latek Stay Alliance Uganda and Sustainable Youth Development Foundation (SYDF). “True Sense of Transforming Communities”